Block - Passing Table Column from one Module to another Module

Introducing new feature ‘BLOCK’ (Beta)

You can find a new automation block in the studio.
Let me guide you on how to update the table column from one module to another module with a block.

For example,
Edit Table in Module Table B column Multiline, update Table A column Multiline by finding matching Item and pass the value.

When executing Edit do Automation

  1. Click ‘After executing’

  2. Drag & drop Condition block

  3. Input #Entry#Table.Count!=0 → this is to check if the table length is not empty

  4. Click OK

  5. if true, Drag & drop Action block

  6. Select Form

  7. Module: Table A
    Activity: Edit
    Entry: #Form#Table A ID

  8. Click OK

  9. Drag & drop For block

  10. Input #Form#Table, under each input item

  11. Need to have 2 Action Blocks. 1 link to each and another link to next.

For each:
12. Click + Add Action
13. Select Create
14. Input Variable: Table A Line
Value: find(#Table A Edit Form#Table#Item == #item#Item)
15. Click OK

  1. Click + Add Action
  2. Select Set
  3. Variable: #Table A Line
    Click Expand Property
    Select Value: Multiline
    Type Formula: #Table A Line#Multiline
  4. Click OK

For next:

  1. Click + Add Action

  2. Select Perform

  3. Module: Table A
    Activity: Edit
    Entry: #Form#Table A ID
    Form: #Table A Edit Form

  4. Click OK

  5. Click OK

  6. Click Save

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