Block - Retrieve Previous Value in Table

Let me guide you on how to retrieve the previous value with the new automation block in the studio.

  1. Click ‘Default’ or ‘Create’ Form
  2. Scroll to the bottom and Click ‘Add Automation’
  3. Drag & Drop For block
  4. Link the Start to For block
  5. Input #Form#Items under each, input item

  1. Drag & Drop Condition block
  2. Input #item#Past Order Price == 0
  3. Drag & Drop Action block
  4. If True
  5. Select Find All
  6. Select ‘Module’
  7. Filter by Customer Name is #Form#Customer Name


  1. Drag & Drop For block
  2. Input #Sale List Found which is from the Action block under each, input sale


  1. Drag & Drop For block
  2. Input #sale #Items which is from the For block under each, input previousItem


  1. Drag & Drop Condition block
  2. Input Conditions that meet the current item & previous item


  1. if True
  2. Drag & Drop Action block
  3. Select ‘Set’
  4. Under Variable input #item#Past Order Price
  5. Under value input #previousItem#Unit Price / (PACK)
  6. Click ‘OK’
  7. Click ‘Save’