Configuration Tutorial - Community Events

Hi :smiley:

Today, I would like to share with you how to configure a Community Events in INISTATE.

The class attendance module allows to create events for community and allow users to register for each event. Admins can easily view how many individuals are registered for each event and contact them directly from the Page.


1. Difficult to record each event planning, management and attendance manually - The manual community event management system can be challenging because it is time-consuming as it need manual recording and requires a significant amount of time.

2. Lead to human error - Manual processes are susceptible to human error. People may make mistakes when recording information, which can lead to incorrect details, missed attendees, or other issues.


Streamline Event Planning - To enhance the organization, execution, and tracking of events in the community.

Steps & Configuration

  1. Access your workspace builder.

  1. In builder, on top right, on module tab, click “+ New” to add new module.

  1. Create 2 modules. Give your modules a name and set an emoji. eg : Events and Event Registrations.

  1. Select module and add some information for your modules by click “+ New” in Information tab.

  1. Add information like below. eg : Name - Information Type

[Module : Events]

  • Event Image - Image
  • Event Name - Text
  • Event Name - Select
  • Event Name - Multiline Text
  • Event Name - Date Time

[Module : Event Registrations]

  • Image - Images
  • Event Name - Module
  • Event Category - Module
  • Event Description - Multiline Text
  • Event Date - Date Time
  • Registrations - Table (Name - Text, Email - Email, Number of Registrants - Integer)
  1. In Events module, select Listing tab and choose “+ New” to add new listing.

  1. Create a listing, give your listing a name. Eg: Events - All Events. Customize the list design according to your preference.

  1. In Event Registrations module, select Listing tab and choose “+ New” to add new listing.

  1. Create a listing, give your listing a name. Eg: Event Registrations - Community Registrations. Customize the list design according to your preference.

  1. In Event Registrations module, select Activity tab and choose “+ New” to add new activity.

  1. Name the activity as “Register” and add information to the activity.

  1. Done with the configuration, click “Run” to use the Community Events.

Congratulations!!!:tada::tada: You have successfully created a Community Events module.

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