How to comment and mention on mobile app?

Hi, this post will guide you how to create comment and mention a particular person/user for a specific entry. Let’s get started.

  1. Login to your workspace and select any module with entry/entries.

  2. Select an entry.

  3. Click comment icon located at top right of your mobile screen.

  4. Write comment

  5. To mention a person, tap the symbol ‘@’ . You can also type ‘@’ to mention.

  6. Select the person you would like to mention. You could use the search box to filter users.

  7. Tap the send button. Comment posted!!

  8. Mentioned person/user will receive notification which can be seen at the bell icon located at top right of your mobile screen.

  9. Tap that bell icon to view the entry

  10. Mentioned person can also comment and submit their comment!

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