Notification with execute one time option

Hi Inistate community :wave:t3:

This post will guide you on how to configure notification with execute one time option in Studio.

:bulb: What is Execute one time Notification?

It is a message or alert that executes only once at scheduled intervals.
You can set them for summary reports, soa and etc.

Options of recurring type:

  • Day
    β†’ Number of days to send out the notification
  • Week
    β†’ Choose the Day to send out the notification
  • Month
    β†’ Start of the month
    β†’ Every ____ of the month
    β†’ End of the month

Scenario: Notify the user daily, weekly, and monthly for the Summary Report

  1. First, to add a notification in Studio, select the module you want to add the notification to. Then, hover over the mail icon and click on β€œNew Notification ”.

  1. Select Which Channel and To (who will be notified ). Select Message (optional)
    Type: Subject & Message, add attachment which system generates entries/logic service report.

  2. Next, scroll down and toggle "Recurring ".

Recurring Every Day

When setting up a recurring notification, you can choose how often you want it to occur. If you choose β€œday” and set the number to 1, you’ll get a notification every day. If you set the number to 2, you’ll get the notification every 2 days.

  1. You may select β€œStarts On” date

  2. Then, select β€œRecurring Type” from the options: Day

  3. Next, fill in number of β€œEvery”.

Recurring Every Week (Friday)

When setting up a recurring notification, you can choose how often you want it to occur. If you choose β€œweek” and set the number to Friday, you’ll get a notification every Friday.

  1. You may select β€œStarts On” date
  2. Then, select β€œRecurring Type” from the options: Week
  3. Next, fill in the Day of the week.

Recurring Every Month

When setting up a recurring notification, you can choose how often you want it to occur. If you choose β€œmonth” and choose Start of the Month, you’ll get a notification every 1st day of the month, if choose Every 15 of the Month, then you’ll get a notification every 15th else if choose End of the month, then you’ll get a notification every end of the month.

  1. You may select β€œStarts On” date
  2. Then, select β€œRecurring Type” from the options: Month
  3. Next, choose the recurring month.

  1. By default, you will be notify according to the recurring type on 12:00 AM . But you may change the notification timing by clicking β€œAdvanced Setting ” and set the timing.

  2. Select Execute exactly one time for each trigger without iterate through entries to only send Summary Report once at the end of the month at 8am.

  3. Select Condition and State.

Hi, i am not so understand this statement, mind to elaborate further? thanks.

Hi @Alan , meaning you will be notified once at the end of the month/every start of the month depending on the recurring setting.