Ready Solution - CRM

Hello dear community :blush:, this post will guide how to install and tutorial for ready solution : Customers Relationship Management ( CRM ).


  1. Open your browser.

  2. Go to

  3. Click on ‘Try for free’ button in the top right corner.

  4. Fill in your email OR ‘Continue with Google’ OR ‘Continue with Apple’.

  5. Then, you will direct to ‘Setup a new workspace’ page.

  6. You type asset management after the words ‘I want’.

  7. Choose ‘CRM’ from the ready solution.

  8. Click ‘Build now’.

  9. Input your workspace name. It can be your company name or anything.

  10. Click ‘Create’.

  11. Tadaa!! You have successfully installed the asset management-ready solution and are good to use now.


Create a new lead in CRM.

  1. Choose Module ‘Leads’.

  2. Choose any sub menu in the module and click ‘+ New’.

  3. Fill in the information needed.

  4. Click ‘OK’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

  5. A ‘Successfully created’ pop up in a green box will temporarily appear at the top of the page.

Edit Lead In CRM.

  1. Choose created lead’s entry.

  2. Click the 3-dot button

  3. Choose to edit, and you can edit the information.

  4. Click ‘Ok’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

Assigned Sales Advisor Activity

  1. Select the created entry with currently with open state.

  2. Click “Assign Sales Advisor” activity.**

  3. Choose your company sales advisor and click “Ok” to procced.

  4. It will change the entry state from ‘open’ to ‘assigned.

Contacted Activity

  1. Select the entry with ‘Assigned’ state.

  2. Click the “contact” activity.

  3. Click okay to proceed.

  4. Selected entry state will change from ‘Assigned’ to ‘Contacted’.

Quoted Activity

  1. Select the entry with ‘Contacted’ state.

  2. Click either ‘Quote’ or ‘Fail’ activity.

  3. Click ‘Okay’ to proceed

  4. If ‘Quote’ activity has been chosen, the state for the entry will be changed from ‘Contacted’ to ‘Quoted’.

  5. If ‘Fail’ activity has been chosen, the state for the entry will be changed from ‘Contacted’ to ‘Failed’.

Done deal Activity.

  1. Select the entry with ‘Quoted’ state.

  2. Click either ‘Complete’ or ‘Fail’ activity. ( Complete means done dealing )

  3. Click ‘Okay’ to proceed’

  4. If ‘Quote’ activity has been chosen, the state for the entry will be changed from ‘Quoted’ to ‘Done Deal’.

  5. if ‘Fail’ activity has been chosen, the state for the entry will be changed from ‘Quoted’ to ‘Failed’.


Create New Appointment in CRM.

  1. Choose Appointments module and click “+New” Button.

  2. Fill in the details or information needed in the form.

  3. Click “Ok” to save entry.

Edit Appointments.

  1. Choose created appointment’s entry.


  2. Click the 3-dot button.

  3. Choose to edit, and you can edit the information.

  4. Click ‘Ok’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

Completed and Cancelled Activity.

  1. Select the entry with ‘Upcoming’ state.

  2. Click either ‘Complete’ or ‘Cancel’ activity.

  3. Click ‘Okay’ to proceed’

  4. If ‘Complete’ activity has been chosen, the state for the entry will be changed from ‘Upcoming’ to ‘Completed’.

  5. If ‘Cancel’ activity has been chosen, the state for the entry will be changed from ‘Upcoming’ to ‘Cancelled’.
