Ready solution - HRM

Hello dear community :blush:, this post will guide how to install and tutorial for ready solution : HRM.


  1. Open your browser.

  2. Go to

  3. Click on ‘Try for free’ button in the top right corner.

  4. Fill in your email OR ‘Continue with Google’ OR ‘Continue with Apple’.

  5. Then, you will direct to ‘Setup a new workspace’ page.

  6. You type HRM after the words ‘I want’.

  7. Choose ‘HRM’ from the ready solution.

  8. Click ‘Build now’.

  9. Input your workspace name. It can be your company name or anything.

  10. Click ‘Create’.

  11. Tada!! You have successfully installed the asset management-ready solution and are good to use now.


Create new attendance

  1. Go sub module working today.

  2. At the top, click “Today QR”.

  3. Show QR.

  4. Download and view QR.

  5. Scan the QR using mobile phone.

  6. It will bring to create new attendance form with autofill code.

  7. Submit details and press “ok” to submit entry.

Edit Attendance Entry

  1. Choose created attendance’s entry.


  2. Click the 3-dot button.

  3. Choose to edit, and you can edit the information.

  4. Click ‘Ok’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

Lunch out activity.

  1. Select an entry.


  2. Click “Lunch out” activity.

  3. Click “Ok” to save and proceed entry.

  4. Once clicked the state will change from “check in” to “Lunch”.

Lunch in activity.

  1. Select an entry with “Lunch” state.


  2. Click “Lunch in” activity.

  3. Click “Ok” to save and proceed entry.

  4. Once clicked the state will change from “Lunch” to “Check in”.

Clock Out activity

  1. Select an entry with state “Check in”.

  2. Click “Clock out” activity.

  3. Click “Ok” to save and procced.

  4. The entry state will change from “Check in” to “Check out”.


Create Leave Application in HRM

  1. Choose Module ‘Leave Application’.

  2. Choose any sub menu in the module and click ‘+ New’.

  3. Fill in the information needed.

  4. Click ‘OK’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

  5. A ‘Successfully created’ pop up in a green box will temporarily appear at the top of the page.

Edit Application Leaves

  1. Choose created leaves’ entry.


  2. Click the 3-dot button.

  3. Choose to edit, and you can edit the information.

  4. Click ‘Ok’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

HOD Approval activity.

  1. Select any entry with ‘Submitted’ stated.


  2. Click ‘HOD Approval’ ( Head of department ).

  3. Tick either approve the leave application or not.

  4. Click ‘Ok’ to save and procced.

  5. If approve, the state will change from ‘Submitted’ to ‘HOD Approved’.

  6. If not approve, the state will change from ‘Submitted’ to ‘Rejected’.

HR Approval

  1. Select any entry with ‘HOD Approved’ state.


  2. Click ‘HR approval’ (Human resources).

  3. Tick either approve the leave application or not.

  4. If approve, the state will change from ‘HOD Approved’ to ‘HR Approve’.

  5. If not approve, the state will change from ‘HOD Approved’ to ‘Rejected’.


Create New Expenses Claim in HRM

  1. Choose Module ‘Expenses Claim’.


  2. Choose any sub menu in the module and click ‘+ New’.

  3. Fill in the information needed.

  4. Click ‘OK’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

  5. A ‘Successfully created’ pop up in a green box will temporarily appear at the top of the page.

Edit Expenses Claim.

  1. Choose created Expenses claim’s entry.


  2. Click the 3-dot button.

  3. Choose to edit, and you can edit the information.

  4. Click ‘Ok’ button at the right, bottom page to save the entry.

HOD Approve activity.

  1. Select entry with ‘Submitted’ state.


  2. Click ‘HOD Approval’ activity.

  3. Tick either approve or not.

  4. If approve, the state will change from ‘Submitted’ to ‘Approved’.

  5. If not, the state will change from ‘Submitted’ to ‘Rejected’.

Paid Activity.

  1. Select entry with ‘Approved’ state.


  2. Click ‘Paid’ Activity.

  3. Fill in details needed.

  4. Click ‘Ok’ to save and procced.

  5. The state will change from ‘Approved’ to ‘Paid’.
