Configuration Tutorial - Patient Registration

Hi, this post will show you step-by-step how to configure a Patient Registration management in FETIAS.

Progress Slow when Registration - Some clinic had procedure of cumbersome on patient registration.

Save Time - Use this template to help manage registration of patient with faster time.

Step of Configuration
1. Recognize and configure all the Information name and type required to create a new entry in Patient Registration. (Refer Picture 1)

  • Name: Name, Type: Text
  • Name: IC Number, Type: Text
  • Name: Gender, Type: Select
  • Name: Contact Number, Type: Phone Number
  • Name: Address, Type: Multiline Test
  • Name: Email, Type: Email
  • Name: Problem, Type: Multiline Text
  • Name: Date Time, Type: Date Time
  • Name: Allergy, Type: Text
  • Name: Medical History, Type: Multiline Text
  • Name: Supporting Files, Type: Files
  • Name: Date Time to Receive, Type: Date Time

2. Recognize and configure all the Activity able to perform to change State (Refer Picture 2)

3. Recognize and configure all the State in the whole Patient Registration. (Refer Picture 3)

  • Draft (set this state as Initial with enable the “Initial” radio button)
  • Submitted
  • Received

4. Configure Flow by determines a state can flow to which state through specific activity and form a reasonable workflow diagram in whole progress. (Refer Picture 4)
Example: State ----> Activity ----> State

5. Configure and Recognize Listing to category the state of entries and filtered list with defined information to show for users or purposes. (Refer Picture 5)

6. Step to produce the Listing (Refer Picture 5 to 9)

  1. Click “+ Add” at the Listing card
  2. Enter the name of Listing in the empty space at the top left of the screen, can change the emoji you preferred
  3. Click the “+ new condition” at the left side of screen to add the condition
  4. Select “State” and select the the state you want put in this Listing in the condition
  5. In the picture 7, select “State” and select “Submitted” in condition, it will show all the entry which is state “Submitted”, the name of this list is “Submitted”
  6. Can add the new List by click “+ Add” again at the Listing card
  7. This List’s name is “All”, leave the condition blank to show all the entries in this list
  8. Click the gray part of “List Design” to open the “Column Selection”
  9. “Column Selection” can customize the column that want to show in this List
  10. Can tick all, tick or untick the column to able or disable show the column in this List
  11. Click “OK” after done in “Column Selection”
  12. Remember to click “SAVE” after done
  13. Add another List call Received, the condition is “State is Received”

7. Step to arrange the information according your preference in Standard (Refer Picture 10 and 11)

  1. Click gray box beside the “Default(Create/Edit/View)” at the Standard card to open the design form
  2. Drag the box from “INFORMATION” panel at left side of screen, drop to the empty place that you want to place
  3. Drag and Drop all the information boxes from “INFORMATION” panel to empty place except “Date Time to Receive”
  4. Click the “*” icon to make the field to mandatory field
  5. Make all the field become mandatory except field “Supporting Files”
  6. Click the “SAVE” button after done and click “OK” to close the design form

8. Step to pop up form when you perform the Activity (Refer Picture 12 and 13)

  1. Click gray box beside the “Receive” at the Activity card to open the design form
  2. Drag the “Date Time to Receive” box from “INFORMATION” panel at left side of screen, drop to the empty place.
  3. Click the “*” icon to make the field to mandatory field in the “Date Time to Receive” box
  4. Click the “SAVE” button after done and click “OK” to close the design form

9. Click “SAVE” button at top right of screen after make changes

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Tutorial - Patient Registration

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