Inistate Zapier Integrations - Activity Performed (select activity)

Set up this Zap to use Inistate with other Tools/Apps together to manage your projects. Set up this automation so that every time Inistate completes a new activity from an entry.

Triggers - Inistate an entry has changed state to another state
Action - Trello will move the card to another list.

Step of Integration

  1. Open Zapier Dashboard

  1. Enter Tigger on “Connect this app…” as Inistate and Action on “with this one!” as App/Tool chosen.

  1. Enter “When this happens” as Activity Performed and “then do this!” as the action needed to be done. Click on “Try It” to go for testing zap.

  1. Click on “Get started”.

  1. Click on “Sign in to Inistate”

  1. “Connect an Account | Zapier” will pop up. Input API Key and Inistate Username. Can refer to API key location instructions and How do I connect Inistate to Zapier?.

  1. Can see your account name. Click “Continue”.

  1. Choose Workspace, Module, and Activity for your integration. Click “Continue” for the next step.

  1. Click “Test trigger” to test the trigger.

  1. Test trigger will display entry details. Click “Continue” for the next step.

  1. Action Event is “Move Card to List in Trello”. Click “Continue” for the next step of action.

  1. Click on “Sign in to Trello".

  1. Login Trello account and permit by clicking “Next”.

  1. Can see your account name. Click “Continue”.

  1. Choose Board, From List, Card, To Board, and List. Click “Continue”.

  1. Click “Test & Continue”.

  1. Will display the message “A move card was sent to Trello.…”. Click “Turn on Zap” to complete Integration.

  1. After successfully on zap will display “Your Zap Is On!” massage. Click “Go to my Zaps".

Congratulations!!!:tada::tada: You have successfully integrated inistate with Trello!

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