Inistate Community
API key location instructions
June 18, 2021, 2:08am
Log into your app account.
Click “Account”.
Choose “Integration”.
Click to generate new API key.
Copy the generate API ket to your clipboard.
Paste your token into your Zapier account and then Continue.
image (1)
774×465 36.9 KB
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Entry Created
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Entry Updated
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Change state
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Duplicate Entry
Inistate Zapier Integrations - State Changed (Change To)
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Created
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Perform Activity
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Delete
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Information Changed
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Assign
Inistate Zapier Integrations - State Changed (Change From)
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Activity Performed (select activity)
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Edit Entry
Inistate Zapier Integrations - Information Due