Inline Editing Mode

Hi community, this post will guide you on how to use the inline editing mode from register stage.

  1. Click on ‘Sign Up’.

  2. Redirect to the Sign Up page.

  3. Fill in email, password and display name with correct format.
    Click on ‘Sign Up’ button.

  4. Successfully registered as new user.
    Setup a new workspace, select ‘Basic’ and click on ‘Start’ button.

  5. Enter your workspace name and click on ‘Create’ button.
    For example, ‘tester123’.

  6. Enter module name and click on ‘Create’ button.
    For example, ‘Employee Profile’.

  7. Redirect to the ‘Employee Profile’ module in inline editing mode.

  8. Click on ‘+ New’ button to start inline editing.

  9. Click on ‘+ Add a field’ and add the following information.
    Employee Name, Employee ID and Department.

  10. Next, create an entry by filling the form and click ‘OK’ button to submit.

  11. The entry successfully created with the state ‘Open’.

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