Ready Solution - Task Management

Here’s how to sign up with Inistate and get a ready solution.

  1. Open your browser
  2. Go to
  3. Click on ‘Try for free’ button in the top right corner

  1. Fill in your email OR ‘Continue with Google’ OR ‘Continue with Apple’

  2. Then, you will direct to ‘Setup a new workspace’ page

  1. You type health log after the words ‘I want’
  2. Choose ‘Health Log’ from the ready solution.

  1. Click ‘Build now’.
  2. Input your workspace name. It can be your company name or anything.
  3. Click ‘Create

  1. Tadaa!! You have successfully installed the Task Management Ready Solution and are good to use now.

How to use ready solution : Task Management

Module :Task

Create new entry

  1. Click “+ New” to create new survey entry.

  1. Filled in the details

  1. Click “OK” at the bottom to submit entry.

Edit task entry

  1. Select any entry.
  2. Click 3 dots
  3. Choose “Edit” activity.

  1. Can edit the information.
  2. Click “OK” to confirm edit.

  1. Check your list by clicking the icon in the panel sidebar.
  2. Click “Pending” to check the pending task.
  3. Click “Done” to check the complete task.
  4. Click “All” to check the all tasks.

Update the status of the task (Same process for other activity to update task status.)

  1. Click on any listing
  2. Select one of the task entries.
  3. Click on the “Confirm Complete” button.

4.Tick the confirm
5.Click “Ok”

  1. The task move to the Done list.

For more template and ready solution.
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