Tutorial - Issue Tracking

An issue tracking system allows you to maintain a dashboard for tracking the details of issues and solving by.

Hi, this post will show you step-by-step how to build an Issue Tracking management in FETIAS.

Hard to report the Issue - The people need a system to keep track of the issues which record and simplify the process of reporting it to relevant aspects.

Efficiency - A useful template to manage the issue information and maintain the process of resolving the issuing state.

Process Flow
When a new Issue is created, its initial state is “Open”. If the issue is Assign Person, the state will change to “Assigned”. After state “Open” or “Assigned”, can perform In Progress, then the state will change into “In Progress”. The state which is in “Open” and “In Progress” can Escalate, which changes the state to “Escalated”. After the issue is “Escalated”, the issue can perform In Progress activity, then the state will change to “In Progress”. From the “Open” state, click on Done for the issue, the state will change to “Resolved”. The issue can resolve after in progress when clicking the Done button if it needs verification it will go to state, “Pending Verification” or else it will change the state to “Resolved”. No matter, whether the issue is “Resolved”, or “Pending Verification” Staff must perform Verify to issue. After performing Verify activity, the state will change to “Closed”. Staff can perform Clarify when the issue is not clear or missing information in any state, the state will change into “Pending Clarification”. Staff can perform KIV in any state to Keep in View, the state will change into “KIV”. Also, Staff can click Change in any state and the state will change to “Canceled” to cancel if there was anything wrong information or error.

Step of Tutorial

  1. User can click “New” button to create new entry.

  1. User fill up all the fields and click “Done” button.

  1. A message “Submission successful” showed, the initial state of the new created entry is “Open”. User can click the button “Assign Person” to assign this issue to a person who can solve this issue.

  1. A new window name “Assign Person”. User fill up the Person In Charge and click “Done” button.

  1. A message “Submission successful” showed, the state of the entry change to “Assigned”. The person be assigned can click button “In Progress” when start to fix the issue.

  1. A new window name “In Progress”. User fill up all the fields and click “Done” button.

  1. If the person cannot resolve the issue in the state “In Progress”, can click the button “Escalate” to submit this issue to another person.

  1. A new window name “Escalate". User fill up the Person In Charge and click “Done” button.

  1. A message “Submission successful” showed, the state of the entry change to “Escalated”. The person be assigned can click button “In Progress” when start to fix the issue.

  1. A new window name “In Progress”. User fill up all the fields and click “Done” button.

  1. A message “Submission successful” showed, the state of the entry change to “In Progress”. When the person be assigned done resolve the bug, can click button "Done“.

  1. A new window name “Done”. User select verify and click “Done” button.

  1. A message “Submission successful” showed, the state of the entry change to “Pending Verification". When the relevant department done the verification to the resolved issue can click button "Verify“.

  1. A new window name “Verify". User select verify and click “Done” button.

  1. A message “Submission successful” showed, the state of the entry change to “Closed”.

  1. After step 11, on new window name “Done”. User select didn’t verify and click “Done” button.

  1. A message “Submission successful” showed, the state of the entry change to “Resolved". When the relevant department done the verification to the resolved issue can click button "Verify”.

  1. Repeat step 14.

  1. Repeat step 15.

  1. User can keep it view this entry by clicking button “KIV" at any state which are “Open”, “Assigned”, “In Progress”, “Resolved”, “Verified”, “Pending Verification”, “Pending Clarification”, “Escalated”, “Canceled”, and “Closed”.

  1. User can clarify about this entry by clicking button “Clarify” at any state which are “Open”, “Assigned”, “In Progress”, “Resolved”, “Verified”, “Pending Verification”, “Canceled”, “Escalated”, “KIV”, and “Closed”.

  1. User can cancel this entry by clicking button “Cancel” at any state which are “Open”, “Assigned”, “In Progress”, “Resolved”, “Verified”, “Pending Verification”, “Pending Clarification”, “Escalated”, “KIV”, and “Closed”.