Inistate Release Notes November 2022


Hi everyone, :wave:t2:

:rocket: I’m @Viti, the consultant here at inistate, happy to share the upcoming release for November 2022.

  1. Dashboard widget

    Now you can create widgets such as shortcuts and charts in your dashboard. It gives you a mini-report that can display your data in some presentation styles, including simple counts and charts.

  1. Notification panel

    We make it easier for you to check and track the notification status.

  2. Listing setting

    A more advanced setting is available for designing your listing. You can set default filters, label, width, wrap and even choose what columns to appear for your table.

  1. Template design

    Introduce instant and fast document design without any coding. Just drag and drop and choose your preferred styles for your templates.

Stay tuned for more exciting releases! :partying_face:

As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback in the comments below.

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